
Showing posts from September, 2019

Perfectly Symmetrical


Photograph Your Fears


Inside Me Project


Lost in the World Response

1. What is the general premise of the video? The general premise of the video is to showcase how society is too influenced by social media. The main message behind the video is that when people are on their phones too often, you lose social interaction, people become depressed, and no one is truly happy. The video goes to show how when everyone is on their phones, they lose connection between real people and real feelings, and that if you're not paying attention, you may lose many people that are important to you. 2. Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message? Yes, the video is very effective in conveying it's message to the viewers. With many extreme outcomes shown and the emotions expressed by the main character, the viewer feels very compelled to change and use their phones less. The scenes that stood out to me the most were when the girl jumped off the building and when the people were walking right off the world. These scenes really showed how if